Our Pastor

Reverend Walter R. Mc Donald
The Reverend Walter R. McDonald is a native of Corsicana, Texas. He is the son of the Late Mr. & Mrs. F.
T. McDonald. He is a graduate of Corsicana High School, received the Bachelor of Science Degree from
Paul Quinn College and the Master of Divinity Degree from Truett Seminary Baylor University. Rev.
McDonald believes that through our relationship with Jesus Christ and the cultivation of the spiritual
disciplines, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be change agents. Reverend McDonald’s ministry
has been focused on the empowerment of the spiritually disenfranchised and the socially marginalized.
As an ordained Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, he has served as pastor in the
Northeast Texas Conference, North Texas Annual Conference, Central Texas Annual Conference, and the
Northwest Texas Annual Conference. Under his administration as a Pastor in the African Methodist
Episcopal Church the following has been accomplished: souls have been saved and added to Church,
ministries have been developed for members of the Church and the community, A Parsonage has been
purchased, Church and Educational building’s mortgages have been liquated, Churches have been
renovated and repaired and properties have been purchased for Church expansion.
He has also served as Presiding Elder of the Dallas District in the North Texas Annual Conference.
Ministries were developed to resource Churches to work in collaboration in the areas of evangelism,
discipleship, mission, and Stewardship. He currently serves as the Pastor of Baker Chapel A.M.E. Church
in Ft Worth, TX. He also currently serves as a Staff Chaplain at John Peter Smith Hospital in Ft Worth, TX.
The Reverend Walter McDonald has served on the following Boards and Committees: The Board of
Directors of Tarrant Area Community of Churches, Chair of the Board of Ministerial Examiners in the
Central Texas Conference and the Northwest Texas Conference A.M.E. Church, The Clinical Pastoral
Education Advisory Board of Texas Health Huguely Hospital, The Texas Christian University Brite Divinity
School Black Church Studies Board, The 2016 Book of Doctrine and Discipline Compilation Committee of
the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He has affiliations in the following organizations: NAACP Life
Member, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and Prince Hall Masonic Lodge.
A wonderful family blesses Reverend McDonald. He is married to Carol Rischer McDonald and they are
the parents of three children, Gayla, Jordan, the Late Justin McDonald and six lovely grand-children.