Health Ministry Leader: Rev. Patricia Preston
The Health Ministry is to serve, among other tasks, to help the denomination understand health as an integral part of the faith of the Christian Church, to seek to make our denomination a healing faith community, and to promote the health concerns of members of the AME Church and surrounding communities. It shall advocate health care as a right and not a privilege. It shall also challenge and work to reform the unjust structure that is prevalent in health delivery systems. It shall encourage each organization in our church to include a health component in its life and work.
1. Promote wellness by providing health information to our congregation that focus on prevention.
2. Work with YPD to sponsor health summits on various diseases that affect young people.
3. Promote and support Baker Chapel Annual Health Fair with more emphasis on soliciting more vendors and screeners.
4. Consult and coordinate with 10th District on connectional health initiatives.
5. Collaborate with community health agencies and associations for health programs and projects.
6. Seek resources to improve the worth of our congregations.
7. Provide health education training and projects for the congregation.